I just got back from the gym, and yes it is 4 AM. Funny, but not many people are at the gym from 3-4 in the morning. Just me this morning, but another guy came in as I was leaving... anyway back to the matter at hand...
It's been a few months since I've made a trip to work out, (And my body will not let me forget it for a few days... great!). Since graduating from high school, I have not worked out like I should have. Oh I meant to, but just never got around to it, or had other things keeping me busy. On my way home I was thinking how many Christians are out doing the same thing spiritually as I am doing physically. As Christians day in and day out we should be walking by faith, running the race, and fighting the good fight, but so many of us have become lazy. At one point we did actively run after God, and work to become as close to Him as we could, but then we hit a wall, lost motivation, reached our "high school graduation", and our desire to continue on in the pursuit, our drive to be all that we should be, just fizzled away. Sure we go to the gym (Church) every once in a while, or every Sunday, or every Sunday and Wednesday, but when we get there, how much working out do we do? How much running after God do we do? How much effort do we put into our walks? Most of us go expecting to be spoon fed by the pastor/youth pastor/associate pastor/Sunday school teacher. One thing that I've figured out physically is that if you continue to eat, regardless to how healthy you eat, if you do not exercise at all, you will start adding some fat, and you will start losing some muscle.
Which brings me to my next point. If we lose muscle, how are we to fight off the enemy? If we become fat, lazy Christians, will we be quick enough to see and avoid the traps set out for us by the enemy? Will we be able to flex our flab, resist the devil, and make him flee from us? And if we do see the trap, will we have enough energy to avoid them, or will we lazily walk right through the middle of them, and hope somebody bails us out (ew bail outs... another sermon for another day. Focus...)
Ok I'm back, almost lost me there for a second. But seriously, some of us have missed out on opportunities to pump some serious iron spiritually, and though it's going to be difficult and possibly painful the first few visits back to our "personal gym" (better known as prayer closet/quiet place), once the soreness leaves, we will better than we have in a long time...
I could go run another couple of miles after that. Anybody care to join me....?
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