Friday, August 27, 2010

Dinner and a movie... and a prayer...

I recently sat down to enjoy a great American meal, Chic-fil-a (love that place), and while sitting in the recliner in front of the TV,   I was taking my char-grilled chicken wrap out of the bag and spouting off a memorized, "Thank you for the food" prayer, something hit me. I don't necessarily mean something literally hit me like a piece of paper floating through the air after being lofted out of a good friends hand, I mean a feeling of conviction hit me. After I performed the multi-taskical extravaganza, I looked to my left to see my father doing the same. The only difference is that he had nuggets and was sitting on the couch. Then the thought came. Who am I to talk to the Creator of all things in this way? Who am I to ask His blessings, even upon something as simple as food, without taking the time to stop what I am doing, rid my self of distractions to enter His throne room? I also wondered, how many more are guilty of these same actions? It's kind of like we have taken his throne room, and turned it into a movie theater. We go and sit, and while getting entertained, we drop pop corn, spill coke, and our M&M's melt on the floor. As we leave, we also leave the garbage, and the mess that we spilled, not bothering to clean up after ourselves, not being courteous or even respectful to the place that we are allowed to come. Can you visualize that, treating the throne room of Almighty God as we would a movie theater? There is one similarity that I can find between the two. We should leave each of these changed. We should leave the throne room with a changed attitude, changed mind set, changed heart, worries are taken care of, feeling loved. When we leave the movie theater we should leave with our shoes sticking to the floor, with a mind set of That movie was awesome", or a mind set of, "I could've done something better with that money." I wonder how much longer God is going to clean up after us? After all it's His place, He could stop the open invitations altogether... or do like the movie theater and start charging...

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