In my house, there is something my family knows as “The Speckledy Blanket.” It’s simply a comforter that is made out of the most amazing, feel good year round, material that is white with the design of different colors of paint dripped on it, giving a speckled look.
Many Sunday afternoon naps have been taken, many sicknesses have been cured, and fevers broken while underneath this blanket. When my two sisters-in-law joined the family, there was many a “loving debate” over exactly whose blanket this was, is, and ever will be… Joking aside, it is, without a doubt, the most comfortable, comforting, and anything else dealing with comfort comforter/blanket that I have ever encountered. It has to be sent down from God Himself. The Bible says that God is the God of all comfort. (2 Corinthians 1)
A statement I’ve heard and believed to be true is, “If you become comfortable in a place (ministry, ect…), God will move you.” That is totally contradicted by this scripture, which made my computer of a brain (I don’t joke about it and neither should you), head spin. The random thought that came to mind is… There has to be a difference in being comfortable where you are, and being complacent where you are. I at one point believed them to be one in the same, but according to Webster, being comfortable means enjoying physical comfort or encouragement, while being complacent (or complacency)self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers of deficiencies.
Everyone loves comfort, being encouraged, and 70 degrees Fahrenheit with a slight but cool breeze, and there are times in our lives when we need to be comforted and comfortable, especially in our walks of faith. When we find ourselves feeling comfortable we must also be on guard, for complacency lurks around the corner. It’s so easy to say, “I’ve worked hard, figured it out, I’ve finally got it made. I’m comfortable here.” That’s not comfort, it is complacency.
Comfort and complacency are laying in the recliner under the speckledy blanket after a long 12 hour shift. The phone rings, caller ID indicates it’s the mother-in-law, and you suddenly remember that she wanted your help today. Comfort answers and goes, complacent stays and sleeps. The Complacent are selfish the comfortable are selfless. Someone who is comfortable is willing to leave their place of comfort to help. The complacent simply are not willing to leave their self comfort.
Check yourself. Are you not answering a call, be it from a friend, family member, or even God due to complacency dressed in comfort’s clothing (or a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing if you will)?
Moral of the Story: Don’t have your daily prayer time, while in the recliner under the speckledy blanket at night… it’s just not a good idea.
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